シアワセオリー | Theory of Happiness
ARTIST : FTISLAND | ALBUM : シアワセオリー 'Theory of Happiness'
ARTIST : FTISLAND | ALBUM : シアワセオリー 'Theory of Happiness'
LYRICS : Junji Ishiwatari
MUSIC : Masanori Takumi
Theory of Happiness - FTISLAND
Oh flower, that we can't name, has bloomed in fullness
Drench yourself in the nonchalant every light
This hand I reached out, it has't gotten many things
And again before I realized it, I kept this smile only to myself
As if shutting it off into my narrow heart, all the small joys
It's too late but I realized that they were counterfeits of happiness
And not actual happiness, such a fool I am
If I could bring back time, I would want to go back to when you were there
Happiness isn't meant to be taken away, it's the courage
to be able to give happiness to others
These opened eyes haven't seen many sceneries
Not realizing that the things that are important, are clear
Not saying "Thank you" nor "Sorry",
I know I, one day, would become like the air
But when you are not there, I cannot breathe
The flower that we can't name, bloomed in fullness
as bright as the days I was with you
I don't look for happiness, it's just somthing that simply wraps me in the tender air
Like a rock that became round through the river's flow
Time's fly does the same to my heart
Oh flower, that we can't name, has bloom in fullness
So that I won't make the same mistake again
Oh flower, your scent, your pale color, burn it into my heart
If I could bring back time, I would want to go back to when you were there
Happiness isn't meant to be taken away, it's the courage
to be able to give happiness to others
シアワセオリー - エフティー・アイランド
咲き誇れ名もなき花よ 何気ない日々の中で光をあびて
伸ばしたこの手が 手にしたものなどわずか
いつの間にかまた 笑顔を独り占めしていた
狭い心の中にしまえるような 小さな喜びなんか全部
幸せじゃないと偽物と 今さら気づいた僕の愚か
もし時が戻せるのなら 君がいたあの頃へ戻りたい
しあわせは奪うのでなく 手放して与えるその勇気の別名
開いたこの目が 目にした景色はわずか
大事なものほど 透明だと気づかないまま
咲き誇る名もなき花が 君といた日々のようにまぶしくて
しあわせは探すのでなく ただ僕を優しく包む空気の別名
透き通る川の流れで 丸くなった石のように
時の流れが いびつな心を
咲き誇れ名もなき花よ 同じ過ちもう犯さぬように
ささやかな花の香りよ 淡い色を焼きつけた胸に
もし時が戻せるのなら 君がいたあの頃へ戻りたい
しあわせは奪うのでなく 手放して与えるその勇気の別名
Shiawaseorii - FTISLAND
Sakihokore na mo naki hana yo nanigenai hibi no naka de hikari o abi te
nobashi ta kono te ga te ni shi ta mono nado wazuka
itsunomanika mata egao o hitorijime shi te i ta
semai kokoro no naka ni shimaeru yō na chīsana yorokobi nanka zenbu
shiawase ja nai to nisemono to imasara kizui ta boku no oroka
moshi ji ga modoseru no nara kimi ga i ta ano koro e modori tai
shiawase wa ubau no de naku tebanashi te ataeru sono yūki no betsumei
hirai ta kono me ga me ni shi ta keshiki wa wazuka
daiji na mono hodo tōmei da to kizuka nai mama
arigatō, mo gomen, mo iwa naku natte
itsuka kūki no yō ni natte shitta
demo kimi ga i nai to iki ga deki nai
sakihokoru na mo naki hana ga kimi to i ta hibi no yō ni mabushiku te
shiawase wa sagasu no de naku tada boku o yasashiku tsutsumu kūki no betsumei
sukitōru kawa no nagare de maruku natta ishi no yō ni
toki no nagare ga ibitsu na kokoro o
sakihokore na mo naki hana yo onaji ayamachi mō okasa nu yō ni
sasayaka na hana no kaori yo awai iro o yakitsuke ta mune ni
moshi ji ga modoseru no nara kimi ga i ta ano koro e modori tai
shiawase wa ubau no de naku tebanashi te ataeru sono yūki no betsumei
Lyrics # 154 ☆ FTISLAND - シアワセオリー | Theory of Happiness